Playing poker online, you have a number of advantages, the
main one of which - the ability to play multiple tables simultaneously.
If you have recently started playing poker, I would not
advise you to start playing multiple tables at once, you first need to learn to
play well at the same table, and then move to multitable, as they say, from
simple to complex. I agree, it's not interesting, but necessary if you want to
learn how to play poker profitably, avoid the temptation to open several
tables. Try to maintain good spirits and do not allow yourself to play the
"bad cards."
Multitabling must be
Play multiple tables - this is a step to the next stage of poker,
if you've played “minus" on the same table, you should not expect a
miracle to happen, and on two or three tables you sparkle “profitably " -
such a maneuver would only increase the amount of money lost . If you feel
pretty confident when playing at the same table, then, indeed, it is worth
trying for yourself several simultaneously.
Multitabling requires more attention than the game at one
table, and therefore, you will make mistakes more accidentally press the wrong
button or did not notice straight on the river. It is important to understand
that if you opened the two tables , the amount of money won is not increased by
2 times , even the best players in the game with increasing efficiency falls
tables .
Pluses of the game in
Opportunity to increase your hourly win.
The greater the number of hands played, the more experience
you get, and in poker it is important no less than in other areas.
You do not have long to wait for a good hand, the game will
be more lively and with better quality cards.
If you do the first success in poker, you should follow the
path of increasing the number of gaming tables and not go to higher gaming limits.
Why so? Because the amount of money won and lost on several tables 0.5 / $ 1
can fluctuate less than when playing at the same table at the limit 1/2 $ , and
most importantly at the tables with lower limits sits much more weak players
who are ready to fill up your bankroll .
Alternative MTT:
The site PokerStars you can play custom, quick - "Zoom
poker". Its essence is that the last hand you directly get to another
table in the game without losing a second. Thus, opening the same table “Zoom
Poker”, you find yourself in a continuous game without lining, as it inevitably
arises in the game for a few tables.
Records multeyblinga:
Normal unprepared poker players can hardly play more 4-6
tables, so when a few years ago there were people playing 20 employees their
first poker rooms just get banned , considering that bot plays until they
proved otherwise . Now so many no surprise.
The official record of the game for the “multi-tabling “Bertrand
Grospellier belongs. April 28, 2009 , this " cyborg " publicly played
simultaneously 62 $ 6,50 Sit and Go on PokerStars, completing them in plus $
23.67 , otherwise the record would not have been counted , that looks like such
a game at one of poker enthusiasts.
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